This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a vertical thrust engine with animated deformations using shape keys, eliminating the need for rigging. The shape keys will simulate the engine’s exhaust contraction and expansion for a thrust effect.


Final Render of the Vertical Thruser with Shape Keys

Step 1: Set Up the Engine Model

  1. Open Blender and Create the Engine Model:
    • Add a Cylinder as the base shape.
    • Use Edit Mode (Tab) to extrude faces and add details like vents, exhaust pipes, or nozzles:
      • Select the top or bottom faces (3 for face select, then click the face).
      • Use E to Extrude and S to Scale the selected area.
    • Add loops (Ctrl + R) to introduce more geometry for deformation.
  2. Clean the Geometry:
    • Ensure the geometry is evenly distributed for smooth deformations.
    • Delete unnecessary faces inside the exhaust area to keep the mesh lightweight.
  3. Apply All Transforms:
    • Go to Object Mode, select the engine model, and press Ctrl + A → Apply All Transforms.

Step 2: Add Shape Keys

  1. Add the Basis Shape Key:
    • Select the engine model and go to the Object Data Properties tab (triangle icon).
    • Under Shape Keys, click the + button to add a “Basis” shape key. This serves as the default, undeformed shape.
  2. Create a Thrust Deformation Shape Key:
    • Click the + button again to add a new shape key. It will be named “Key 1” by default.
    • Select "Key 1" and switch to Edit Mode (Tab).
  3. Edit the Mesh for the Thrust Effect:
    • Select the exhaust area (e.g., bottom faces of the cylinder).
    • Enable Proportional Editing (O key) to deform the mesh smoothly:
      • Use G to move vertices and adjust the Proportional Editing Falloff with the mouse scroll wheel.
      • Expand or contract the nozzle to simulate exhaust contraction/expansion.
  4. Save the Deformation:
    • Exit Edit Mode to save the deformation as part of "Key 1."

Step 3: Test the Shape Keys

  1. Adjust the Shape Key Slider:
    • In Object Mode, go to the Shape Keys panel.
    • Move the slider for “Key 1” to test the deformation:
      • 0 = Default state (no thrust).
      • 1 = Full deformation (maximum thrust).
  2. Refine the Deformation:
    • If necessary, go back to Edit Mode with "Key 1" selected and tweak the mesh deformation.

Step 4: Add More Shape Keys for Variations (Optional)

  1. Create Intermediate States:
    • Add additional shape keys for various states:
      • Idle State: Slight contraction to simulate minimal thrust.
      • Maximum Thrust: Larger nozzle expansion or flared geometry.
      • Reverse Thrust: Contraction to represent an inward force.
  2. Edit Each Shape Key:
    • Repeat the editing process for each new shape key, adjusting the exhaust geometry accordingly.

Step 5: Animate the Shape Keys

  1. Insert Keyframes for Animation:
    • Select the engine model and go to the Timeline.
    • At Frame 1, set the "Key 1" slider to 0 (default state) and right-click → Insert Keyframe.
    • Move to Frame 30, set the slider to 1 (maximum thrust), and insert another keyframe.
  2. Test the Animation:
    • Press Spacebar to play the animation and watch the thrust deformation.

Step 6: Add Materials and Effects

  1. Glowing Emission Material:
    • Add an Emission Shader for the exhaust area:
      • Assign a new material and set Base Color to a bright hue (e.g., orange, blue, or green).
      • Increase Emission Strength to simulate a glowing effect.
      • Use a Noise Texture and ColorRamp for animated flickering.
  2. Particle System for Exhaust Flames:
    • Add a Plane or Sphere at the exhaust nozzle.
    • Create a Particle System:
      • Set the particles to emit rapidly in the direction of thrust.
      • Use a Random Velocity and size variation for a chaotic flame look.
    • Assign an Emission Shader to the particles for glowing effects.
  3. Volumetric Smoke (Optional):
    • Add a Quick Smoke Effect:
      • Select the particle emitter, go to Object → Quick Effects → Quick Smoke.
      • Adjust the smoke density and temperature for stylized flames or vapor.

Step 7: Rendering and Post-Processing

  1. Lighting Setup:
    • Add a Point Light near the exhaust area and animate its Intensity to match the thrust state.
  2. Render Settings:
    • Use Cycles for realistic lighting and shadows, or Eevee for faster previews.
    • Enable Bloom in the Render Properties for glowing effects.
  3. Post-Processing:
    • In the Compositor, add a Glare Node for glowing streaks.
    • Use a Vector Blur Node for motion blur on the particles and exhaust flames.

Optional Enhancements

  • Sound Effects:
    • Add sound effects like engine hums or roaring thrust in post-production software.
  • Camera Movement:
    • Animate the camera to zoom in on the exhaust area for a dynamic shot.

By following this step-by-step process, you’ll create a visually striking vertical thrust engine with smooth, customizable deformations.